Positive Pregnancy Test? Here’s What to Do After Seeing the Pink Line

Hey mama, take a deep breath. You just saw the pink line, and your heart is probably racing with a mix of excitement, nerves, and a million questions. First of all, congratulations! Whether this was planned or a complete surprise, one thing’s for sure—your life is about to change in the most beautiful way.

So, what now? Here’s your step-by-step guide from one mama to another.

Step 1: Take a Moment to Let It Sink In

I know, I know—the first instinct is to Google everything (been there!). But before you fall into an internet rabbit hole, give yourself a moment. This is huge. Go ahead, take a picture of the test (because trust me, you’ll want to remember this moment), do a happy dance (or a nervous one), and just feel it.

Step 2: Confirm with a Blood Test

Home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate, but a blood test at your doctor’s office will confirm your hCG levels and check if everything is progressing smoothly. This is also the time to find an OB-GYN or midwife if you don’t already have one.

Pro Tip:

If your doctor doesn’t schedule your first visit until around 8 weeks, don’t panic. That’s normal! But if you have any history of miscarriage or complications, you might be seen earlier.

Step 3: Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

If you weren’t already taking them, now’s the time! These little powerhouses are packed with folic acid (to help prevent birth defects), iron (for all that extra blood your body is making), and DHA (for your baby’s brain development).

Morning Sickness Tip:

If vitamins make you queasy, try taking them at night or with a snack.

Step 4: Cut the No-Nos

Now that you’re growing a tiny human, a few things have to go:

  • No alcohol

  • Cut back on caffeine (aim for less than 200 mg/day – that’s about one small coffee!)

  • Say goodbye to sushi, raw meats, and unpasteurized dairy

  • No smoking or recreational substances

It’s tough if you love your daily latte or wine nights, but think of it this way—you’re trading them in for something even more amazing. Plus, there are plenty of pregnancy-safe alternatives out there!

Step 5: Start Eating for Nourishment (Not for Two!)

The myth that you need to eat for two? Toss it out the window. Your baby doesn’t need double portions, just nutrient-dense foods: 🥑 Healthy fats – Avocados, nuts, salmon 🥦 Leafy greens – Spinach, kale, broccoli 🍊 Vitamin C – Oranges, bell peppers, strawberries

Step 6: Manage the Emotions & Symptoms

Oh, the hormones! One minute you’re crying over a baby onesie, the next you’re frustrated because your partner didn’t load the dishwasher right (trust me, it happens). Hormonal changes are real, mama, and it’s okay to feel all the things.

Symptoms to expect in early pregnancy:

  • Fatigue (like, “nap in the middle of the day” tired)

  • Nausea (morning sickness, which isn’t just in the morning!)

  • Sore boobs

  • Mood swings

  • Must-Have for Nausea Relief: Pink Stork Morning Sickness Tea

Step 7: Start Tracking Your Pregnancy

You’ll want to keep track of symptoms, doctor visits, and milestones. A pregnancy journal or an app can help!

Step 8: Plan Your Announcement (If You Want To)

Some moms-to-be share the news right away, while others wait until the second trimester when the risk of miscarriage drops. There’s no right or wrong time—it’s totally up to you!

Fun ways to announce:

  • A cute “We’re Expecting” onesie

  • A social media post with your ultrasound

  • A surprise reveal to your partner or family

  • Adorable Baby Announcement Props: Letter Board for Baby Announcement

Step 9: Get Ready for Doctor’s Appointments

Your first prenatal visit will include: ✔️ Blood work ✔️ Confirming your due date ✔️ Possibly an early ultrasound ✔️ Lots of questions about your medical history

Pro Tip:

Write down any questions before your appointment—pregnancy brain is real, and you’ll forget once you get in there!

Step 10: Give Yourself Grace

Mama, this is the start of an incredible journey, but it’s also overwhelming. There’s no “perfect” way to do pregnancy. Take it one day at a time, listen to your body, and remember—you’ve got this. 💕

And if you ever feel lost? Reach out to other moms, join a pregnancy group, or just take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are growing life. That’s pretty darn amazing.

Final Thoughts

Seeing the pink line for the first time is unforgettable. The excitement, the nerves, the million questions—it’s all part of the journey. Follow these steps, stock up on the essentials, and most importantly, enjoy the ride. Before you know it, you’ll be holding your sweet baby in your arms, wondering how time flew by so fast.

Got questions or need advice? Drop them in the comments, mama! Let’s navigate this journey together. ❤️


  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) – www.acog.org

  • Mayo Clinic Pregnancy Guide – www.mayoclinic.org

  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development – www.nichd.nih.gov


Your Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy: What to Expect Each Trimester


Best Prenatal Vitamins to Start Taking Immediately After a Positive Pregnancy Test