My goal is to create a space where parents can connect through shared experiences.

We believe in embracing the joys and challenges of raising little ones with love, authenticity, and support. Here, there’s no expert advice—just real, honest reflections on the journey of parenthood.

About me, about us.

Hi! I'm Ailey, a first-time mom who cherishes motherhood and the joy of raising my little family. I love creating special moments, planning fun activities for my baby, and embracing the beautiful journey of being a wife and mom.

Becoming a mom changed everything in ways I never expected. No preparation could capture the beauty, mess, and in-between moments of motherhood. While my family’s love and support were constant, I craved a space that felt real, where motherhood is about learning, not perfection.

That’s why I created Teomomma, a happy project, personal blog, and journal of everyday joys, tiny milestones, and real moments. Here, I share simple playtimes, quiet struggles, and lessons learned along the way. More than anything, I hope this feels like a warm, welcoming space for moms navigating this journey together. ♡